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Learning agreement

por ACI publicado 28/11/2019 14h20, última modificação 18/03/2022 08h00
Colaboradores: Larissa Guedes, Caio Martino
How to change your learning agreement



When you arrive at UFPB, you must enroll in courses. We recommend that students respect, as much as possible, their learning agreement — which was approved by their home institution academic coordinator and the UFPB academic coordinator. This guarantees that all course credits taken at UFPB are accepted back in their home university.

Below is an explanation of course schedules as they are displayed on Sigaa.

However, changes may have to be made, and when this is the case, all inclusions and exclusions must be initially approved by the UFPB Program Coordinator. After that, the document must be brought to the International Office for our Coordinator's signature. The document is then ready to be sent to the home institution, where it must be approved and signed.

Our International Office will send the amended learning agreement one time per semester.

To cancel courses, foreign students must respect the deadline as stated in the academic calendar. Courses may be cancelled by students themselves, provided they have registered at the Sigaa.

In case students cannot manage to cancel courses by themselves, they must take the case to their Program Coordination within the working hours of such office.