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Discover UFPB

por ACI publicado 03/12/2020 11h41, última modificação 21/12/2020 08h47
Colaboradores: Larissa Guedes



The Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB) was created by State Law 1366, of December 2, 1955, and installed under the name of University of Paraíba as a result of the merger of some higher schools. Later, with its federalization, approved and promulgated by Law 3835 of December 13, 1960, was transformed into the Federal University of Paraíba.

UFPB currently has a multi-campus structure and is structured as follows: Campus I, in the city of João Pessoa; Campus II, in the city of Areia; Campus III, in the city of Bananeiras; and Campus IV, in the cities of Mamanguape and Rio Tinto.

Discover a little about each campus and its respective city: