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Flávio Perazzo Barbosa Mota

por ca.magno publicado 21/10/2015 20h08, última modificação 21/10/2015 20h08
E-mail: flavio.mota@ccsa.ufpb.br

Flávio Perazzo Barbosa Mota holds a M.Sc. degree in Management from UFPB at João Pessoa, and a B.Sc. degree in Management from Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC) at Fortaleza, both in Northeastern Brazil. He is a Ph.D. student in Management at the Graduate School of Management (PPGA), UFPB. He is also an assistant professor at the Department of Public Administration, UFPB (2010-current) and a researcher of the Information Technology & Society Research Team (GTIS) and the Public Management and Regional Development Observatory, both at the Brazilian Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). In 2012 he served as coordinator of the Public Management Undergraduate Program, Center for Technology and Regional Development (CTDR), UFPB. His research interests include information technology in public administration with an emphasis in e-government and the digital divide. He is the author of papers presented in Brazilian conferences such as EnANPAD, EnADI, and CONTECSI. He published in Journal of Information Systems & Technology Management (JISTEM), Administração: Ensino e Pesquisa (RAEP), and Revista Portuguesa e Brasileira de Gestão (RPBG), and a book chapter in Inter-Organizational Information Systems and Business Management: Theories for Researchers (IGI).


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