17 a 21 de setembro e o EFOPLI participou da Semana de Letras/UFPB 2018 e ofereceu as seguintes oficinas:
Diversity and Fairy Tales: Other places, other voices – Danielle de Luna e Silva
Yes, we can! Using literature in EFL classes – Elizabeth Souto Maior.
Recursos digitais para avaliação no ensino de línguas – Rafaela Carla Sousa
Communicative task formats for a cooperative & collaborative TEFL environment – Julia Hedges (US EMBASSY)
Promoting 21st Century Skills in our classrooms: empowering our English Language Learners with the “four Cs” – Julia Hedges
Moving learners from basic interpersonal skills (BICs) to cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP) – Julia Hedges (US EMBASSY)